Leaving this morning and will keep you all updated from the road. Stan
Baby steps taken....
We are finally starting to move toward full timing!!! I am cleaning out closets and we are taking the junk to the flea market where we have rented a booth. So far we have had to fill the booth twice in two weeks which is good because we have a lot to sell. Of course we are pricing things riduculosly cheap.....
monkey islanders
Metered Electricity
We moved into our 5th wheel today to start our fulltiming lives. We will be staying at this RV Park until then end of the year. Our monthly rate doesn’t include electricity, it is metered and we pay for what we use at the end of each month. This is our first encounter with metered electricity. I understand...
Change in plans
Orignally I was scheduled to leave for a workamping job in Alaska on 4/15 but the man that ran the campground for Fish & Wildlife has had a stroke so they had to turn it over to F&W. So I had to start over and got a offer from a resort in the Florida panhandle. March 15 I leave CA and will take two weeks t...
Hitch/unhitch; need help fast!
This is a message I posted on the Nu-Way forum this morning. I would really appreciate any advice you might have. *** I recently bought a 2004 HH II from a private seller, who has not used it very much and currently has a Class C. She said that since she hadn't done the hitching/unhitching very often, an...
Negotiating Tactic
Hi All, I need some input from folks not involved in the situation to give me a balanced perspective. Our house has been on the market 5 months - we've had about 8 showings, but as it is most places the market is pretty dead. We've dropped the price from $339K to $299K - which is lower than the rest of the c...
Emergency Road Service
I renewed my AAA membership the 1st of October, so I have nearly a year to go on it. Will it work the same for an RV, or for just the truck pulling the 5VER? I looked at the website for Coach-Net, and that is double the cost of AAA, although the coverage looks pretty good. I'd like to just wait until AAA expi...
Can you establish residency with no permanent address?
I currently live in NC and would like to remain a resident of that state for tax purposes, driver's license, etc. I have looked at their online website, checked the numbers in the phone book, and can't seem to find anything that relates to being a resident of the state. How in the world does everyone hav...
Rent to Own - to sell house
Our house has been on market since April. Only three showings - no sale. We really want to retire and full time effective 2/1/09 We are considering a "rent to own" sale. We have met with a couple who recently moved back into the area. As he has started his own business (OSHA Training) the...
Question for those of you all ready out there...?
I'm starting the count down to January when we hope to take off for full timing. Of course the house has to sell first. My DH will keep working until then. I'm finished (teacher - ex :) ) So I am currently making lots of piles of stuff - stuff for the RV, for storage, for the kids, for Goodwill, and to try to sel...
need advice from those RVing full time
My wife and I are making plans to sell the farm (recreational acreage), purchase an RV and hit the road sometime after the first of the year,or early spring. We would like to have a class a or c toy hauler that can be set up for long term boondocking. We are amature gold panners so a toy hauler will come in han...
First step taken!
I talked to a real estate agt this afternoon, who will come by my house on Friday to see what I need to do to sell, and what I can reasonably expect. The market is down here in the Asheville area, but not in my price range. I own a 3 br/2 ba doublewide on 3/4 acre, so it might just appeal to a young couple trying...
We've Made a List, But Where Do We Go From Here??
We've moved a lot, but never before into a MH to fulltime, which means we have to get rid of a lot of "stuff". Our kids are all across the country and don't need any of our furniture. Ideally, a buyer for our house would want the furniture too, but we can't count on that. I just have this awful f...
Full-time----- for real!
we wanted to make the big anouncment before we hitched up this morning. We had sold our house last summer and moved into our fifthwheel where we lived as we continued to work at our jobs until yesterday. We retired and started our new careers as fulltime RVers on the road. We are ready to hitch up and h...
dream reachers
Some decisions made - more to come
We made the decision to go fulltime more than a year ago. We will have to downsize, no matter what, when we retire, and being fixed in place somewhere does not appeal to us... and we won't be able to afford both maintaining a stix-n-brix and travel too. Anyway, this past weekend we finally managed to nail...
Tim & Robyn
Selling home
Hi, We are Matt and Nancy . We live in Arlington WA. We put are house on the market in April. The market here is dead. WE are both 54 years old. We can't wait to go full time to meet all of you that are out there. We are really looking forward to the rally in 2008, If we can sell are home. We have been reading this fo...
Fulltiming in 2012-ideas to get ready
We have spent one month on this website, and still don't have every word read, what a great website! We are military retirees 1997 and will retire from a corporate job in May 2012. We decided on full timing in Nov. 2005 after seeing another couple and how they live boondocking only. We can relate...
High fuel prices and low real estate values
I posted this on another forum this morning and would like to receive input from the RV-Dreams family. As someone who still has a September of 2009 goal in view as the time to begin living the full-time dream, I would like to hear from others regarding several issues: 1. Do you think climbing fuel prices...
continued service plan
We purchased a '05 Excel 5ver last year and are very pleased with it. It is no longer under warranty so I asked Good Sam's for Quote on their continued service plan. Their quote came to 360 /yr with a 300 deductible. Is it reasonable to expect to pay over 660 /yr in repairs. We are going to be on a very tig...
dream reachers
offer on house
we had an offer on our home, finally a decent offer. They want most of the furniture included, which works out well because we would have to sell or give away anyway.. The only thing we would be concerned about would be our shingle roof, the inspector may say it needs a new one.. we countered for 5,000 more...
Question on yard sales..
We have it a little easier in that we will move from a house to an apartment for about 6-8 months before going to the RV.. (If you call that easier- at least it's gradual.) BUT a lot of you stated you had several yard sales? Did you do some before, after, durring the sale of the house?&nb...
Renting Not Selling
Well, in the final analysis I have decided to forego the flat real estate market here for now and rent my house instead of waiting for it to sell. Very serendipitously, my daughter, who lives nearby, has branched out into property management at the same time. So lucky me, I will be able to leave it in ve...
Residency Issues Questions
Many fulltimers establish residency in Texas and South Dakota, along with a few other non-income taxed states. Has anyone had any experience with having trouble with your former State of Residence trying to hang onto you? This is our first year, so we are looking for things to be aware of and keep in pr...
New Chapter about to start
We take delivery of our new 2008 Newmar Torrey Pine 37LSRE on tuesday !!! The one we wanted came onto the lot thursday, we looked at it saturday and finalized the deal today. We were going to order one but this one showed up with our exact build sheet except no genset. After finding out I can get a honda rv g...
ken and cindy
Fingers are crossed
Listed the house on July 2nd, after many,many showings, got a contract today, for a cash purchase at almost list price, closing set for August 15th ! They want in it before school starts. Twelve more days and maybe,just maybe, we can go and get our new home on wheels !!!! Fingers crossed Ken
ken and cindy
One step closer
We sold one of our horses yesterday. One more to sell. It is bittersweet. Puts us just a little closed to fulltiming, but we love those guys! Sure would be difficult pulling a horse trailer being pulled by a Fifth wheel being pulled by a Ford! The young girl who bought him could not be happier. ...
selling a manufactured home
Hi! I wonder if any one is in this situation. We have a wonderful place - 1 acre in an upscaled neighborhood (for this area) with the one and only manufactured home. It is very nice with a double garage attached, sets on a foundation and nice concrete work all around. Right now the home is 10 years old a...
Keep your fingers crossed!
OMG! My house was shown for the second time today (not my realtor). Two hours later my realtor calls me and asks if I can be out in three weeks.... there is a full price offer on the table if I pay up to $2k in closing costs. Since the full price offer is $15 more than what full price was a year ago, not an issue. A...
We are fulltimers! ......sort of....
Well one of us is a fulltimer (Richard) and I will be shortly! He is up at his new job in Virginia and I am not quite fulltiming yet. I'm back in Florida finishing up the house packing and getting our daughter moved. But in 4 weeks, we will both be fulltiming. Not traveling much yet...but saving up the mo...
Fulltime here we come.
Well we finally did it … He put money down on a Mobile Suites 36RS3 and on a 2003 Volvo 630 and then put the house up for sale. Can you believe… it sold in 6 days. What is the problem with this real-estate market??? We are so excited, even though we need to be out of the house 4 weeks before the MS is finished. Bu...