Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
I just updated the info on the video; it's garbage day around here, and I kept thinking I was hearing someone rolling their garbage can out to the curb, but it kept going.... hmmm. Then I noticed the shadow of the Windwalker spinning in a very light, but steady breeze! So, it sounds like someone 3-4 houses down rolling the trash out. I can live with it.
Those flexible solar panels should be workable for portable, but a thought; those big, mechanic style tool boxes are going to be a tough fit inside an RV. Space is a precious thing! Here's a link to a company that does smaller, portable units: http://www.goalzero.com/ Still expensive, but more do-able. I guess it depends on what you want to run, or recharge. YouTube it, lots of innovative, off grid, mad scientists at work!
How heavy is it? If you go with the flag pole buddy you will need to consider the weight of the generator and wind load, you don't want it swaying in a good breeze. If you looked at my picture the flag pole buddies are 4' apart on the ladder, and 6' of pipe is above the roof line. The pipe I used is 1.5" OD and one piece. It will move in the wind with the antenna that weighs about 20#. I've had it in 45 mph wind and the antenna was moving about 2". When we move I take the antenna off the pole and load the pipe into the coach through the door and lay in on the window sill behind the couch. If you can't fit a 10' pole inside your rig maybe you could rig up something underneath to hold it just for transport.
There is a person in this campground with a wind generator on a metal pole about 25 feet tall mounted to the propane tank base of an Airstream. The pole looks to be fence post material, about 3-4" in diameter. It has not been that windy when I have gone by but it looks sturdy. I suspect the person is saving electric cost.
Edit: A photo should help
-- Edited by bjoyce on Saturday 23rd of February 2013 10:23:07 PM
Bill Joyce, 40' 2004 Dutch Star DP towing an AWD 2020 Ford Escape Hybrid Journal at http://www.sacnoth.com Full-timing since July 2003
The wind generator itself is quite light, less than 10 pounds, and the pole is 1" wide, 4' long, maybe weighs 10 pounds? Total weight I would guess less than 20 pounds.
My concern with such a tall and heavy pole would be getting it up and down, plus, where to put it? Mine is 4' tall, attached close to the ladder, so it's about 3' above the roof, maybe 16' total high? Mine is spinning quite happily in a low breeze, barely enough to move my hair just a little, and I had the opportunity to test it, and it is putting out the juice!
Hi Jane- Hope your well! Thanks for the links again- I did check out the solar generator. I do love that utube has so many mad scientists at work- doing their own thing and sharing it. I watched a few on homemade solar generators and got a few great ideas- like just using a battery box. I have a small dolly that I could attach it to. My RV is tiny- so you are right space is at a premium. How are you finding the Free Spirit? Are you happy with its performance? I got an email from them today say they are ready to start shipping again- so I'm ready to order! Not sure if I should go with the 150 or 250. I will be having to run a hot plate and probably a single burner for my mobile art project. I'm planning on using the portable generator (wheher charged with wind or solar) to do this- also love the idea that it will be an amazing educational tool/example of using green sustainable energy. How is your new gadget for better wireless connection?
The 150 seems to be working, it tests out OK on a meter. I'd confer with Free Spirit about the 150 vs the 250, I'm not sure of the difference, it may depend on the number of batteries you have, or your wiring. I think the 150 will do for most smaller RVs, but running heating elements like hot plates is a whole 'nuther ball of wax, takes a lot of juice! (Is you mobile art project encaustic painting?)
Right now, I have been running mostly on DC (even though I have shore power) just to get used to it all, and this morning, my DC is "flickering". Not sure if this is normal, and perhaps a topic for another post, to see what the guys think. Funny, as the sun is rising, the power is not flickering so much, maybe turning on the solar helps? Between my 135 watts of solar, and the Free Spirit, it's keeping my batteries charged to about 2/3 on my control panel. The overhead lights at night can really burn it down fast, so I have been using my solar lanterns and candles, if I want to stay online after dark.
The cell booster is a wonder, works great! It can take it from 0-1 bar up to almost all. Sometimes you may need to move the antennae around, and of course, there needs to be a signal of some sort in the first place; I have Sprint, and I know they have huge blank spots all over the coverage map. But the unit is sturdy, and versatile, and perhaps the best $400 I've spent so far on gadgets.
Keep us posted on your do-it-yourself mobile solar charger, a generator which can plug into and amply power the AC is another thing on the list; BTW, did you see my post on the urine powered generator some teenage girls in Nigeria invented? I think I put that post in the Around the Campfire section. Been thinking about that lately, it actually isn't a bad idea, and it would recycle and ease the black water system!
I will give send FS an email and see what they suggest for what I'd like to be able to do. I am a painter, using oil and acrylic for the most part, love watercolors too. I have not tried wax as a medium yet- but it is on the would like to do list! I am kicking a few ideas around on how to make some money while on the road, hence the need for portable power. Glass blowing is a love of mine- a very very expensive hobby! I am exchanging silica for sugar- principles are the same with a lot lower temperature to work with and I think I can take it on the road with me- That's the plan in a nutshell- still a few bugs to work out.
Did you resolve your flickering issue? Was the power flickering with your batteries charged to 2/3?
I will definitely look for the urine powered generator- what a hoot- can you imagine if we were one day able to run our vechiles by peeing in the gas tank? LOL-LOL How awesome that this came from a teenage girl in Nigeria---LOVE IT!!!!
Here's a link to a You Tube vid on urine powered generators. Basically you extract the hydrogen from the pee through a bunch of test tubes and stuff, then feed it into a regular (propane? gas?) generator. The girls spent $64 on parts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f48zowFhVFA Wish I could pee power my Ford Excursion; finally did the math, 6 MPG.
I'm working on creative solutions for on the road $$$. Need quite a bit these days. One of the reasons why my Excursion is getting bad mileage is I have the back loaded with flea market stuff, I'm doing a combo of stuff I buy wholesale, and stuff I make up myself. If you are "blowing glass" with sugar, that might be a good gig for a flea market, Ren Faire or farmer's market, creating edible art on the spot! That might go over well in fancy tourist spots, like do sugar Kachina dolls in Santa Fe Or "Sweet" Heart jewelery. You'd have to look into food licenses, probably. You might find a propane torch that will work.
I have a question about the Free Spirit wind generator. The link indicates that the generator put's out 30 volts but it's ok because of the low amperage. Wouldn't it be more efficient to run the windmill's 30v output through an MPPT solar controller to reduce the voltage to a more compatable level for charging a 12v battery bank while upping the amperage?
Just a thought.
1999 National Tropical Class A gasser
Toad - 2.4l Chevy Cobalt SS with 400k miles and counting.
Yes, easier and cheaper. However an MPPT controller converts excess voltage to current, so adding an MPPT controller to your windmill should almost double your charge rate, (if it works like it does on solar panels) charging your batteries in 1/2 the time. Essentially it's like having 2 windmills for only $50 more.
1999 National Tropical Class A gasser
Toad - 2.4l Chevy Cobalt SS with 400k miles and counting.
Hi Jane,
I just ran across you video and this thread and was wondering how the Wind generation is going for you? We are thinking about it and just doing research right now. We do not have solar, but thought we might try wind first as it is a bit less to get into. So I am just wondering if it is up to your expectations.