Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
We are Bill and Pam and currently live in Florida. We are finally empty nesters with 4 grown kids and 6 grandkids ( also one on the way)
Anyway we have caught the RV bug and can't wait to start living our dream, but we need help from all of you seasoned RVers.
Believe it our not we do not own an rv or have we travelled in one but we both really know this is what we want to do. After a trip to Tugaloo State park in Georgia with friends we came home with the bug to do something new. We have always taken care of our family, kids then my Mom and are ready for us time.
We are not retirement age yet so will need to make a living while on the road so that is a major concern. We have researched workkamping and other jobs on the road and my husband has some consulting work as well.
My question to all of you is what is your favorite rig? We are definitely going with a 5th wheel. We have been to several dealers and are obsessed with craigslist and other online sites. We are looking for the best deal out there. Also what kinda tow vehicle so you like the best?
I have too many questions to ask at one time so hopefully this will just start the dialogue.
Any advice will be appreciated. We hope to be joining you all of the road soon. The house went on the market 2 weeks ago and we are looking forward to getting rid of it!
In spite of an occasional thread that goes awry, you will find these forums to be filled with friendly, helpful people with a lot of knowledge. We welcome your questions, as each of us can gain a new perspective even if the question has been asked before.
Take time to look over the various categories in the forum. For instance, one is for technology, one for tow vehicles, one for workcamping, etc. Look in the related categories for topics for which you have questions. Don't see them right off....don't worry. Ask your own question.
You will get both subjective answers and objective answers to questions about brands of trucks and fifth wheels. Most all are good, but do your homework as some will be better than others, especially if your plans include living in colder temperatures than Florida.
I usually advise folks to first look for a coach (fifth wheel) that they like and make that choice first. Then look for a truck that will safely "handle" that coach. Handling means both towing and stopping the size of rig you have. If you plan to travel mountainous areas, more truck may be needed or special equipment installed to make it safe for downhill grades. Weights are important for safety reasons.
NEVER entirely trust the word of any salesman. This coming from one who used to work in sales. Some dealerships are good in that their people are trained to ask questions of what you (the buyer) want to do with the RV. If they don't ask many questions, look elsewhere as well. But, also be open to different options. Who knows, perhaps a Class A would better suit your travel plans.
Ask questions, go to RV shows, read forums, go to dealers and look at the units, talk to RV'ers when you have a chance and ask them questions.
Good luck with the research. As for us, we chose the Mobile Suites because this will be our home for many years to come. We have none other, and our truck was chosen to be heavy enough for the heavier Mobile Suites coaches.
Terry and Jo
2010 Mobile Suites 38TKSB3 2008 Ford F450 2019 Ford Expedition Max as Tag-along or Scout
The only "perfect RV for everyone" has yet to be built. You are going to see many that will do. Don't sell yourself short and take second best. Go to dealers, look at all of them, make a decision based on what you know right then. Take a lot of pictures, sit in the RV for an hour or so (without a salesman), visualize daily routines such as cooking, dishes, where you will store (whatever), where things will fit and will you be happy. Then go home and think about it, look at pictures. Next week, go to a different dealer and do it all over again. You have time, and it is your decision. Terry gave good advise, based on his situation, at this time. You are the decider on your situation at this time. When you get down to a short list, then do it all again, only this time, you are comparing apples to apples. Look closely to fit and finish. Check capacities such as weight, water, waste, etc. Compare. The search is fun. The research is great, but no one can decide for you. With all that, good luck and enjoy the event.
Welcome! Do lots of research and go to every dealer and Rv show you can. It took us a year before we made our choice and after that we were very confident and happy with what we chose. The truck choice was easier because we new it was going to be big. But we would rather have too much truck rather than not enough.
ND Air National Guard/Retired 2014 Cardinal Fifthwheel by Forest River/2009 RAM 3500
Welcome to the forum Ditto what everyone said. RV shows allow you to look at different units with out too many pesky sales people around. This forum is just about the friendliest and most knowledgeable you will find. Ask lots of questions. Most importantly is talk to each other. I sometimes forget to do that but thankfully my wife reminds me she is half of the equation. MNdrifters hit the nail on the head by saying it is better to have too much truck rather than not enough. I am happy with my rig and would buy both truck and fifth wheel again.
Jerry & Carol Pearson (+ fur babies) FullTime since 2012 04 Winnebago Adventure, 06 Grand Marquis www.waggintailsrv.com
Welcome to the forum. Shopping for a rig is exciting...enjoy this part of the journey. If you get stuck there are plenty of knowledgeable folks around here who can help so don't be afraid to ask questions...
Thanks for all of the info. This is an exciting part of the process. We are selling our house and have decided to just buy the rv and live in it fulltime instead of renting a house. My husbands job is going to be coming to an end in this area probably sooner than later and we don't want to get stuck with another mortgage or a long term lease. We are trying to decide not only on make and model but how long? I know that is personal preference but coming from a 2400 sq ft house I am worried about the room. People who use their rvs for weekend and just weeklong trips say you don't want longer than about 32 ft because of some of the state park restrictions and it is just easier to haul since we are newbies. I like the looks of the 36 fters though and like the extra room
So what do ya'll think about the length. Any trouble getting spots if you are 35 feet or more?
I have heard the same thing about the length being a factor in getting into some campgrounds, and also for workamping, so I would be interested to hear others opinions as well.
The storage is another issue. I am hoping that when I weed and downsize I can stay that way. It would be a first!!!
I have heard the same thing about the length being a factor in getting into some campgrounds, and also for workamping, so I would be interested to hear others opinions as well.
The storage is another issue. I am hoping that when I weed and downsize I can stay that way. It would be a first!!!
Length might be a problem in some of the (older) State Parks, but it is seldom an issue in a commercial park. I have never had a problem with our 35 ft 5th wheel and 4 door pickup. Our overall length when hooked up is approximately 53 ft. The older parks, both SPs and commercial were not designed for the number of slides we all have now-a-days.
I can't see where the length would be an issue for workamping.
Now as far as storage! Hot button time. (S)He will claim all the storage (in/out)side. We all of us take things that MAY be needed/wanted. Over time you will reduce some of the first need/want items and replace with new need/want items. A friend of mine put a little stick on dot on all the items placed in the rig when they first got it. When an item was used, the stick on dot was removed. At the first anniversary, he totally unloaded it and reloaded only the items without a stick on dot. Of course, the removed items underwent a "negotiation" period, and his DW insisted on keeping some of them loaded. He grumbles to this day about some of it, to no avail. ( I still complain abut 3 (three) cast iron skillets that are never used.
If you are successful in your downsize, please let us all know.
I still complain about 3 (three) cast iron skillets that are never used.
If you are successful in your downsize, please let us all know.
Not to mention the **weight** of one skillet, let alone three! Wow! ;)
I love the idea your friend had about the little stick-on dots. Wish I'd thought of something like that. :)
To the OP Granny: We are about 57 feet with truck, trailer and hitch tray. It has not been very hard at all to get into private campgrounds. Some federal and state parks are not easy.
Workamping hasn't been a problem with the our rig configuration.