Hi Everyone. Well, after 15 years the RV-Dreams Community Forum is coming to an end. Since it began in August 2005, we've had 58 Million page views, 124,000 posts, and we've spent about $15,000 to keep this valuable resource for RVers free and open. But since we are now off the road and have settled down for the next chapter of our lives, we are taking the Forum down effective June 30, 2021. It has been a tough decision, but it is now time.
We want to thank all of our members for their participation and input over the years, and we want to especially thank those that have acted as Moderators for us during our amazing journey living and traveling in our RV and growing the RV-Dreams Family. We will be forever proud to have been founders of this Forum and to have been supported by such a wonderful community. Thank you all!!
We will soon be purchasing our full time RV. For some time now we thought that we'd purchase a diesel motor home. But, we really like the floor plans and more of the "home" feeling of a 5th wheel. There is so much more space and the lower cost is certainly a plus.
We will be work camping about 1/2 of the time and plan to move slowly with extended stays in areas of interest. We really think that having another smaller vehicle for running around would be a good idea. It would get better gas mileage and be easier to travel down country roads etc.
Our question to all of you who full time in a 5th wheel is this...do you have another vehicle besides the truck? If so, why did you decide to do this? How difficult is it to travel with both of you driving separately to the next site?
Thank you very much
John & Carol
2002 40' Newnar Dutch Star 2004 Jeep Liberty Toad Began our Full Tming Adventure May 2010
2009 Kerrville RV-Dreams Rally Alumni "Not all who wander are lost"
Hi there! I guess you probably know that Howard and Linda (site owners) do this and have two vehicles and I think it works great for them! If we ever get out there on the road, we will have truck/fiver combo and another car. I won't blink an eye having the time to myself when moving from place to place, not to mention having a "scout car" that can figure out the best sites to take and where the gas is easiest to maneuver.
No prob!
Paula Gonnabee's because of this economy!
Paula, central fl
Computer Geek dad uses fiver as traveling office/pad
We started out with me driving our Tahoe and following dh while he drove the fiver for the first winter while we were in Tucson and just started full timing. We saw a bigger truck for sale bought the F550 and traded in the tow truck and the Tahoe. Now after being on the road for 3 yrs full timing we recently bought a jeep Liberty. I might add that I did drive the F550. Right now we are glad we bought the jeep and may leave it at a friends or I may drive it to Florida or follow for this coming winter we haven't decided as of yet. southwestjudy
-- Edited by Judy on Monday 6th of July 2009 11:23:38 PM
We've been getting along with just the truck now for over 3 years, primarily because we move so much. We average moving about once a week, even though we stay in some places for up to a month. We just have wanderlust I guess.
I would love to have a separate car, as I hate the stiff ride of the truck, but Jo likes the size of it and looking down on the traffic and won't hear of us driving from place to place separately.
So, what make momma happy, is the way it is.
Despite the fact that it's more expensive to drive the truck around town than a car, it's much cheaper than the additional cost of a car and insurance / maintenance. With all our moving and sightseeing we still only average about 25,000 miles a year. If and when we stop moving so much and settle in places for longer periods, I'll probably push harder for another vehicle though.
I wonder if anyone has compared the cost of having a 2nd vehicle to renting a car for the times you would need to use a second vehicle. Like for a short sight seeing trip.
To me, the truck is OK for quick runs to the store, but for longer trips a second vehicle is better.
When we are parked for the month of July we have a second car, it tends to be used once or twice a week for short trips. Once or twice a month for day long sight seeing adventures. I can rent a car at Enterprise for $30 plus gas per day.
If you take insurance, up keep, the need to drive two vehicles to get to the RV park into consideration, it seems the costs would be close, unless the second car is used daily.
I know it's difficult to get car rentals in remote areas, but close to a large city or airport some of the car rental companies even deliver.
Lots of the full timers use public transportation if available. Several parks we've stayed in are right on the city bus route or the metro train station is nearby. It's very easy to get around using public transportation at these RV resorts. There's usually several people waiting outside the park for the bus throughout the day.
Larry "Small House, Big Yard " 7 years to go to FT Alfa See-Ya 5'er and 2007 Kodiak C4500 Monroe Pickup
We first started thinking about a 2nd vehicle when we took our first workamping job and stayed in one place for 4 1/2 months. We happened to meet another fulltiming couple that had a 5th wheel and truck combo and a 2nd vehicle. We got their take on it and we continued to think about it. Our F450 is a nice ride when we are towing but is very rough when not towing.
Our decision was made when some other fulltiming friends (Jack & Danielle Mayer) let us use their jeep to go on a beautiful canyon drive in Colorado. We were sold! We couldn't have done it in the dually truck.
We love having our jeep! It has so many rewards that we didn't even think about before we bought. 1. Scouting campgrounds without taking the trailer through. 2. Having eyes in the back while traveling. 3. More storage 4. We can both go different places at the same time. 5. We can shuttle ourselves for canoeing a river. (one vehicle at the put-in point and one vehicle at the take out point) 6. We both can listen to our own music. :) 7. Maneuvering in parking lots is a breeze 8. We now have "off road" capability.
I am sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.
My advice is this... if you already have a second vehicle and hopefully it is paid for, give it a try for awhile. They is no harm done. If you decide later that it is not for you, then you can sell it. We regret selling my Suzuki Vitara as it would have been perfect and it was paid for. Then we wouldn't have had to dish out the money for the jeep.
If I had it to do over I would consider this solution...
Hey Dan, I edited the link to point to Jack's current website. And since the photo you were trying to insert didn't come up, I deleted it. The photo of Jack's double-towing set-up with an HDT towing their fifth wheel and Jeep is on the home page of their website. :)
-- Edited by Howard on Tuesday 7th of July 2009 03:28:56 PM
We started fulltiming early in 2007 with 5er and truck starting in Alberta and going east through Canada, down to Texas accross to Florida and up the east coast. In July 08 we bought a Ford Focus and drove both down to AZ, CA and are now back in Alberta. The 2nd vehicle has been a great experience and we think it has actually saved us $. The down side is that you never travel together. We are about to head to Florida so the car is now up for sale. We miss travelling together. Having tried it both ways, we'd have to say both have advantages and disadvantages. For us it's a toss up but we're going to do it with one vehicle...if the car sells.
One of the main reasons we have a fiver and not a MH, is Leonard would just DIE if he didn't have a pickup truck. I currently have a Malibu paid for. However, we are giving it to his daughter before we take off in October. I sure hope I don't regret this someday. But actually, I don't fancy the driving from place to place.
Yes, it costs more to have a second vehicle. There is no denying that. Other things also add to the expense of the lifestyle. You have to set your priorities. JUST saving money is not always the best way to look at things.
I would never give up our Jeep. It allows us to get off the beaten path into some truely spectacular places.
With an HDT you can piggyback the car if you choose to. I have pictures on my Picasa album here
http://www.jackdanmayer.com, 2009 Volvo 780 HDT, 2015 New Horizons 45'Custom 5th, smart car New Horizons Ambassadors - Let us help you build your dream RV.....
Wow! Thank you so much!!! We appreciate everyone's feedback and advice.
Howard's very complete and thorough discussion of their decision, choice of vehicle, and statistics concerning additional cost and time spent driving apart was so very helpful.
This is the first time we have ever posted a question to a fourm. We have been so pleased and awed by the response from all of you.
It has been quite a journey for us (as I'm sure it is for most folks) as we prepare to go full-timing. Having the ablilty to get answers and excellent advice to our questions from fellow fulltimers is so invaluable.
Thank you again. We will be @ the RV-Dreams Rally. We hope to meet you there!
2002 40' Newnar Dutch Star 2004 Jeep Liberty Toad Began our Full Tming Adventure May 2010
2009 Kerrville RV-Dreams Rally Alumni "Not all who wander are lost"
Just to throw our two cents in. We travel fulltime in a 5er toyhauler. We carry two motorcycles with us. I know you are thinking about weather.....but being out in the open is an awesome experience. Besides, there is nothing like telling your friends about riding in the black hills of South Dakota, or the hill country of Texas, the keys in Florida....etc. Just something to think about.....
This past winter DW follow the 5er in her car. But she has a Med issue and has a hard time driving. So we are in the process of getting a smaller car and will be double towing. I really have never had a problem just driving the Truck. But Med issues with her parents means we will need a car to return home in a emergency. But again I had just as soon drive the Truck. But a 2nd form of Transportation does help. Good Luck with your choice. GBY........
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)
We have some folks here in the park who have a FW toyhauler and they haul a smart car with it. I don't know how much those smart cars weigh, and I don't know how many toyhaulers could safely handle hauling a car inside. I did get a chance to sit in one and for a 2-seater it had enough room for my legs. Appeared to be just enough room in the back for a grocery run.
We have a VW rabbit that we bring along with us. At almost 35 mpg, it has been a great traveling buddy! My wife and I will both admit that when we are traveling, the "stress level" is much reduced now that we drive alone!!! (plus, she no longer gets blamed when I make a wrong turn!! lol)
If you go with an extra vehicle (and not double tow) I recommend getting very good CB radios in both vehicles.
Even on travel days, if we spot something we would like to check out, we just park the rig, and I hop into the rabbit and we check it out!
Only downside is sometimes campgrounds will charge for the extra vehicle (but not too often)
-- Edited by D and J on Wednesday 15th of July 2009 11:28:20 AM
Doug and Jutta Volvo 780 Teton Homes Experince Aspen
We have seen two Smart Cars at the Suites Rally in Goshen. Both were being pulled behind the Mobile Suites. One set up was all painted the same, Freightliner, Mobile Suites and Smart, a very nice rig. I think for a small car the safety for the Smart Car will stand the test. As for weight I believe it was around 1800 lbs. There is more room than it looks like it would be. And was told they tow very good. We are still researching for a small vehicle to tow behind out Mobile Suites. A Toy Hauler isn't in our future. GBY.....
2012 Chevy 3500HD DRW's (SOLD)
Pressure Pro System (SOLD) Trailer Saver TS 3 (SOLD)