VA Cardio Dr. Appt. from Oct. 15th to 9/5/14. UPDATE
Another update! I went in on Friday to the Cadrdiologist; had an EKG. Then a visit with the DR. The EKG showed no changes; that was a good thing. He checked my heart and said it sounded the same. I asked; "What is causing the the pain near the lower part of the heart above the stomach?" The only c...
Time for a new update 8/30/2014!
A milestone! 29 months tommorrow; since the Heat attack and still smoke free! I would have a cognac and coke; but I don't drink! LOL! I have been on a healthier diet and take my meds. Such a good old boy I am!!! I am going to find a lower price little tear drop or motorcycle type tent camper fixer upper ov...
Update on PIEERE 7/23/14
I got back, TN. Sunday the 20th. Left on the :1st to visit family in NY And MIchigan. This past Monday had an MRI scan on my neck and right shoulder. X-rays in June shown degenerative discs in C-3 to C-7 and a fracture in my right shoulder; don't remember hurting it.
The old heart seems to be ok; not getting...
Sleep Apnea and CPAP machines??
I have it.........How many others have to live with this? I use the humidifier when I'm at home. When travelling I just take the CPAP without the humidifier and seems to get by. Mine is an old S-6 that requires 115v AC. When I have mine in the coach and plugged into shore power it works fine with no problems...
need some social security disability advice please
it feels very strange to even be in this place, but here goes. I am 53 and in January 2013 my rare cancer (surgical excision in 2006) metastasized. I am staged at 3b if that is significant for applying. since then I have had surgery again, plus chemo and radiation. my local doctors told me my cancer was b...
Reposting this because I suspect it got buried and we'll be meeting many at the Spring Rally
It's so interesting the Lucky Mike started his thread "What would you do....." on January 21st which is the day my wonderful husband, Jesse, got his diagnosis. Some of you might remember I had posted back in January that we were handed a Big Detour Sign. This is it. We are dealing with exact...
Another update! 1/15/14
Went to the VA for an EKG for 8:00 AM. Guess I thought I was back in the military as awoke at 4:30 AM; left at 7:15 am. I then waited until 9:00 am to speak with the Cardiologist. He said the EKG hadn't changed since July 2013. The way it looks my health will not change to much; unless it gets worse; I have to be t...
RV living with a disabled wife?
My wife (with mulitple sclerosis and a disabled veteran) and I have been planing on full timing for a couple of years. We love our fifth wheel boondocking in the desert southwest and keep a boat at Lake Amistad for the long weekends. Her multiple sclerosis has turned for the worse in the last couple o...
What would you do!!!!..........opinions only Think on it!!
Your on the road and its your time......your doctors say they have come to the end of options , your bucket list isnt finished and your timeline is not defined.....you know its only going to get worse as you go! Do you give up head for home and family do you pick one of your favorite spots and head for it do yo...
Lucky Mike
Wow and inspiring
I have to say that this section is an inspiring section for me. I have arthritis in my spine. Most days are painful to say the least but it doesn't stop me. They may have to fuse my spine later on, but right now the meds gets me through. I feel like I have no problems when reading what some of the others are d...
Kitties Mom
looking for a primary dr near corpus christi, know of one i should check out or maybe even avoid?
we are leaving the east coast for texas and hope to move our medical care there too. dh has medicare and I have blue cross so hopefully it won't be too difficult to find someone who can take over our primary care. we appreciate a dr who doesn't whip out the prescription pad at every complaint, if at all poss...
FT wih Fribromyalgia?
Is anyone out there full timing with Fibromyalgia? While I am a number of years away from FTing, I am hopeful to see America from a motorhome. I have Fibro and was in remission, but symptoms are coming back. Just started meds again. I also see an accupunturist weekly. Wondering how do you manage your sy...
"I Have A Dream" quoting MLK!!!!
Yes: My dream will become reality!!! Spoke to my daughter this evening and the grandkids are growing to fast. Sydney the Grand daughter is 8 and just took third place in the Michigan State Cheerleading finals for 2014. Poco Glen the grandson is 10; and is mildly autistic; but is in regular school clas...
RV lifestyle with need for limited sun exposure
I was diagnosed about 1.5 yrs ago with systemic sarcoidosis. I had never heard of it, most have not. We had already been planning our FT RV dream for over 2 years when this occured, and we have decided not to let the illness change our dream. We actually bought our 5th wheel last Friday!!! Now to buy...
2 KOZs
Have the Healthiest Merry Christmas Possible!
I made it to see another Christmas which is certainly better than the year of 2012! Had my heart tests done in July and although they are not great here is the prognosis....the echocardiogram shows Coronary heart disease; CHF. The left ventricle is mildly enlarged with the lower wall having decreas...
Am I Dreaming! Or am I willing to make a change!
Am I daydreaming??? With my Heart problems am I thinking Crazy; Or is it time to start planning for a change-over? I've been pondering over the idea of not having to spend another lower than 40 degree night. Maybe I'm Dreaming cause I use to live in the Arizona desert and in Feb. and March seen low 30's....
Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Has anyone had it recently? Just wondering what the healing time is, and cost. My right arm is feeling like its about to fall off at the elbow.
Alie and Jims Carrilite
Nov. 22 Health Update!
A bit of disappointing news! Went to my primary Dr. on Friday, noticed a small amount of wheezing in my lungs. I may have a touch of COPD; ordered a pulmonary bronchial exam. Was given Spiriva inhaler for daily and Albuterol puffer for if I get a quick loss of breath. I feel a bit more secure knowing if I...
Another ER Trip!
I awoke about 6:50 AM; to a room spinning; at least that is what my eyes envisioned. It took a few attempted tries to get out of bed before success. Came in to the easy chair; took my Blood pressure; 155/108; sat and turned on the TV; the motion was to much for my eyes to bear. I then got all my meds together; c...
Medicare Drug Plan Question
Hello, Well I will have Medicare come January which makes it possible for my hubby to retire then, whoppie! Then we can put the house on the market and get this FT plan on the road. I am researching Drug plans and my question is what to make sure a plan has so I can get my Rx drugs on the road. We are thinki...
2 KOZs
Living Will or Advance Care Directive!
Traveling with personal health record
Hello, I have posted before about my chronic health condition that was diagnosed after we made the decision to live a FT RV life. We don't want my condition to end our dream. I need to be prepared for possible medical care on the road and need to get IV infusions every 6 weeks. I want to have my medi...
2 KOZs
Some thing finally worked in my favor!!!
Well RV Family; finally got a little financial windfall that will help get some of my back indebtness paid off. When I checked my bank account yesterday I practically fell down; got weak in the knees and started sweating. I've waited so long for something to come through; and I had almost giving up hope...
Updates: 07/12/13
You are all going to love me; hate me or quit listening. I have the results from the Nuclear Heart Viability tests. I have no wall motion on the frontal middle to the bottom of my heart and over the septum which divides your Left and right ventricles which push oxygenated fresh blood out to our body parts....
The Nuclear Stress test result are in!!!
Still smiling but the nerves are rattled!! The first words the Dr said were; "You sure look a lot healthier than what the test results show." I said; Is this a good thing? I have a quite a lot of moderate to severely decreased activity in the entire mid heart wall extending into the interior wa...
One Year Heart Attack Survivor on the 6th of April!!!
I took my last two puffs on a cigarette the early AM of the 30th of March; the day of my Heart Attack. I am now a reformed Smoker. My one yr. anniversary of the heart attack was the same day; but my survivor date is the 6th of April as this was my release day from TJ Samson Community hospital in Glasgow; Ky by Dr....
Monday is the Big Day!
Monday June 10th is the day of my nuclear stress test!!! I'm a bit uneasy as now I will have to face what ever outcome that the tests show. I was told I have ischemia on the 9th of May by the Practicing nurse when I and her looked at my EKG. Ischemia is lack of oxygen going into the fresh blood supply. Have been r...
Don't give up on your DREAM!
To quote Dr. King; "I have a Dream".!! I remember my brother-in-law's; brother; Lloyd who had bought a 1983 full-dressed Harley Motorcycle on his retirement from the paper mill. Three months later he had a stroke which paralyzed the left side of his body. In 2007; I was there visiting and a...
Update; a bit more positive news!!!
Went to the Appt. with the Primary Dr. today and what a day it was. Spent about 1 hour with the nurse practicioner. Answered many questions; then another hour with the Dr. Recieved blood work; chest X-ray and EKG whiche shows I have ischemia which is inadequate oxygenated blood circulation; that is wh...
Start of Some Good News for Pieere!!
Sure hope this is a sign of some good news!!! Recieved a call from the VA Hospital this P.M. been given an appt. for May 9th to finally get to see a primary Doctor. Hope this is leading to a referral to a Cardiologist so I can get my echocardiogram done and see if the damage from the HA healed some and also why I...