A question for the structural engineers and handymen
I have a 2016 Fuzion 416 w/ a 16' garage and a pull down screen at the back patio/ramp. I want to be able to leave the back patio open all the time so I'm looking at 2 options:build the wall/door myself out of wood frames & plexiglass - estimated cost ~$1,000buy an Acrylic window by Custom Windows 4 tra...
Power surge and TRC Surgeguard 34750 didn't work as designed
We had a power event a couple of weeks ago after moving from the Keys to an Rv park. When we arrived at Whisper Creek Resort we plugged in and set up like we always do. We use a TRC 50 amp surgeguard and it went through its tests before delivering power to the rig. I went in and turned on air,fridge and went ba...
Dryer Hose Clogged
We love our Splendide, use it all the time, but recently we noticed that the heat was cutting off on the drying cycle. Lee pulled out the machine and when he disconnected the hose out I am sorry to say it was more than 3/4 full of lint. Apparently our dryer hose has to make two 90 degreed turns to reach the o...
Camper Chronicles
Hey Guys. What would be the lowest % on the battery meter we should keep above, I have 4 Costco 6volts 2000 Magnum MS inverter and Tri-Star 60amp 2 of 220 watt panels? Den.
I am wanting to add a solar battery charger to my TT. I would like to keep the battery at full charge while in storage, ther are no electical outlets near the TT. The TT uses a single battery deep cycle type. I would like to leave the battery hooked up and hot to the TT. I hope I made my self clear about what I am t...
Hydraulic Leveling Noise
Popping noise in hydraulic leveling system-what IS that?? Research shows what additives will help and that it is due to temperature changes, but can someone tell me what exactly is happening in there? Scared they might fail and in middle of night take a nosedive ☹️️
Diamond Shield
Merry Christmas everybody. I hope everyone will have a Happy and wonderful holiday. I am seeking some opinions please. I have my motorhome in Elkhart getting some interior rennovations done. The company doing the work offered me a nice discount to have the exterior painted this year instead of ne...
Jacks up or Down for Winter Storage ?
I place a cover over my Class A RV and store it outside at at storage facility. I live in IL and snow and rain prevail here in the winter. I have heard of people putting their Jacks down to keep the tires from sitting in water or snow. I have also heard to not do this because it places too much stress on the ja...
Big Mike
Slide rubber seal maintenance
I have searched this site, but got no hits on slide seal maintenance, so what does everyone do to keep their rubber slide seals healthy ... products and frequency?
Defrosting Freezer - Seeking Assistance!
The information provided with our RV refrigerator/freezer does not provide instructions on how to defrost the freezer. I need to do this and I am looking for information on the most logical way to perform this task. Can I use a hair dryer? I do not want to damage the unit in any way but I am HOPING there...
Tow bars necessary for short move?
Hi guys, so I'm still in my house and would like to turn my 22' trailer around and back it into a side yard for a while. This involves backing down a short sloping street, reversing and coming back up, maybe 1/3 mile all told. When I hitch up to do this, am I going to need the tow bars in place or can I skip it?...
Tire monitoring system
Morning all - we are researching tire monitoring systems. What do you all use, what do you like and don't like - we want to be sure we get the best option and really not sure which one. Husband is thinking flow thru and would like to see all tires at once on the screen. Any thoughts
Yankee stitcher
Crossfire dually equalization system
Has anyone with a 1 ton (not MDT or HDT) installed the crossfire dually pressure equalization system? Results?
Wifi Ranger
we have a new new trailer and have been fulltiming now for about 6 months we have a wifi ranger set up in our trailer but never seem to be able to stay connected to it. We show one red light on it and the rest seem to be green most of the time. What are we doing wrong?
2016 Fuzion porch light
I bought a 2016 Fuzion 5'er in March and the porch light has gone dead, most other lights work fine.I have 2 questions:I have bounced down the road quite a bit this year, but is that normal for LEDs to fail this quickly?How to I get an exact replacement without; unsealing & removing the light to see if...
Oxidation cleaner restorer
Does anyone have experience with any oxidation cleaners/restoration products? My 2002 coach does have some areas where Oxidation has occurred and I would like to improve those areas. I have used the Meguiar's product with average results so I am wondering what everyone else uses and their rec...
Big Mike
My electric bill really is high
My electric bill really seems high. We have a 38' Montana. We don't have a washer/dryer, dish washer, or any extra appliancs than the normal RV stuff. We are located in Southeast Texas at present so we are using the air some but our electric bill is nearly as high as our 3000 sq.ft home was. I guess my q...
Smelly sinks
We have been living in our driveway in our MH. When running water in the sink the water and the drain stinks. -- Edited by Kat395 on Wednesday 19th of October 2016 10:48:36 PM
Unwinterizing an Elite Suites
Where is the hot water heater bypass?? We have decided to not stay in the cold NW where we bought a house. I have to UN winterize our RV. The directions are vague and there are not diagrams! When I winterized the RV, I had a difficult time finding the clear tube. It was tucked back behind the water pump. I fin...
Day/Night Shade Stuck
The shade for our large window in the 5th wheel is stuck halfway up/down. The strings are all ok, but the shade itself seems to have slipped and is bunched up on the left hand side. I've searched the forum and internet and have not found anyone with this problem. Any suggestions? We head out west in a m...
Steve and Kate
5th Wheel Running Gear Maintenance and Replacing Shackles
Bill did a lot of work on this post with me, explaining in detail how he did the maintenance on our running gear and replaced our stretched out shackes - I'm posting it in hopes it will help some others who own 5th wheels [url=http://bkamericanodyssey.com/2016/09/10/getting-ready-to-go-the-rep...
5th Wheel Pin Box
I recently bought a 2003 NuWa 32 foot Hitchiker II. It has the original 5th wheel pin box. I would like to upgrade to a newer or better one. Which would y9ou suggest? I am new to RVing and want to make sure it is safe.
12V DC to AC Socket AMP capacity.
I have two 12V socket plugs (or if you prefer cigarette lighter type sockets) in my RV - One is in front of the passenger seat and the other is under a desk in the bedroom. I currently have purchased 2 Bestek inverters that I use for charging phones and using a laptop. I also plugs my TV and Sat. Box into the i...
Big Mike
Still Happy With Michelins
Started prepping our 5th wheel to head out for a month. It has been in storage for a year. I checked the tire pressure and the Michelin XPS RIBS I bought a few years ago had only lost 4 PSI each since our last trip. Previous tire sets would show a loss of up to 20 pounds when sitting for less than 6 months. Mak...
The Bear II
Any Must Have Tools or Piece of Equipment for RV?
We are planning our Full Time adventure in 18 months or a little sooner. We are signed up for the rally next Spring 2017 in TN. We have a 150 dollar gift card at Sears and want to spend it wisely for something we will need on our 5th wheel or truck. Any help is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance. Bru...
Bruce and Robin
Double pane window
Our large back window inside pane shattered the other day. Anyone have this happen?
Tony and Eileen
Maintenance costs, Fifth Wheel vs class A
I am looking for some advice on expenses concerning the general upkeep on Class A,s versus a Fifth wheel and truck. How much more would it be to maintain a Class A?
air conditioner purchase
We are looking at replacing our Coleman Mach 13,500 with a new unit since it's just not doing the job anymore. I have 3 questions: 1. We're Gate Guarding in So. TX and will be heading to San Antonio when the job is done. Can anyone recommend a reliable repair person/business in SA who could do the repla...
The Crumps
filling my water tank and it all drains out
Help! I am new to living in a rig, a 1999 National Dolphin, and I am loving it! However, I am having issues on filling my water tank. I have filled it 4 or 5 times now, and two of those times the water drained out of the air escape hoses and drained all the water I just put into it. I called Camping World, but th...
Getting accurate tire pressure readings
I would really like some help with something that is driving me absolutely crazy. It's essentially two related questions. I use an after market TPMS for the tires on my truck and my 5er. I want to set the alarm thresholds on the TPMS for low and high pressure for all the tires, and I know what the cold press...
Camper Chronicles