Black tank dump
We have had much success for the past three years by dumping our black tank, even when thier is very little in it. I know most say fll it up - dump -rinse - and be happy. Your thoughts. Thanks
Rockin' and shakin'
We have a 37' class A. It has hydraulic jacks and a tag axle which means 8 tires on the ground. Our problem is rocking and shaking. For example, we are parked with the jacks down, on a hard packed gravel site. My husband was walking around in the back of the RV and it shook so much that it spilled my coffee...
The Crumps
Using a window AC - Solutions?
Here's the challenge: Our Big Foot camper does not have AC, so we have a very small window unit to use. Problem is, it doesn't have a perfect fit, so sealing up all the gaps requires some creative engineering - hope some of you might have some ideas. Last year, I used heavy plastic and waterproof tape to s...
How to protect tires from UV rays without covering
For now I don't want to cover the wheels on our 5th wheel and am wondering if there is a product to spray or wipe on to protect them? I have done research on Armor All and most say not to use it and for long term use they say it is even harmful to the rubber! Thank you for your help.
Problem with synthetic wheel bearing grease
I had a hard time understanding why the mfg says to repack the wheel bearings every year even though I usually put on less than a thousand miles a year on our 30' Cardinal 5th wheel. But after talking to many people who know wheel bearings I decided it needed to be done every year. The last time I used Mobil...
I understand that slides give more room and are a great addition to full timers. Lately I've been reading a lot about slides failing - leaking being the most common as well as sagging. I'm starting to wonder if the extra room is worth the possible added maintenance issues. It stands to reason that so...
Jack Pads
With all of the wet weather we have been having in the Midwest and owner Great Lakes area, was wandering what ideas you Any have come up with to keep the jacks on you rig from sinking into the ground. I have seen some rigs use blocks of wood but would like to find something less bulky to use. Have read revie...
water heater problems
We are staying at the ocean in WA state. It is very windy today and we can't get the water heater to stay lit. Do strong winds affect whether the water heater will light or could we have a bigger problem? We are parked directly square against the wind. Beautiful view but feeling the full force of the wi...
The Crumps
Hidden Water Filter
We had our Jayco witerized last winter. Sunday I deceided to sanatize the water system getting ready to head to South Dakota for a work-camping gig for the summer. While I thought I was filling the system water started comming out of the belly-pan. I took trailer back too the repair shop and they fo...
12V dash sockets also piggy banks?
So, today was RV prep day. We spent the day loading it up for the summer and cleaning it. In the process, our daughter decided to test out the 12v dash socket as a coin deposit. She started stuffing nickels and pennies in it. I figured out what she was doing and stopped her at 8 cents. I was able to remove the p...
The Hensons
Inteli Power 9100 Charge Wizard
I have the Charge Wizard installed in my RV and I am not sure how it works. There is a green light that flashes every 5 seconds and a button next to it that is marked "Mode". When I turn on my house battery the indicator reads "good" but when I start turning on lights or turn on the furna...
Length of Electrical Hookup
Does anyone have a cable stretcher? Seriously, my power cable is about 50 feet short of an electrical box located in my back yard. Trailer is parked in front of the house. I can either purchase a couple of 30 feet extension cables or install a 50 amp recepticle about 60 feet away from electrical panel. T...
Waggin Tails
AC Not Cooling As Should
Spent the last few days working on our new Mobile Suites and wanted to keep very cool. Outside temp was in the 80's so not very hot. I set the thermostat down to 70* but could only get the temp down to 77*. Not much water running off of the roof. What direction do I go from here. The selling dealer is 190 m...
Pat L
roof a/c bolts...how tight?
I have been tracing a leak for sometime in my motorhome. Today, I decided to take a forum member's advice and check the roof a/c bolts (the 4 under the cover from the inside). Wow! I could move them by hand with little effort. So I got tighten happy...later realizing maybe too happy. I know that if I tighte...
The Hensons
tire chocks ? stablity rocking issues?
I have a 5er and it seems that when we have to level the trailer ( boards uner one side of the wheels) that the trailer seems to wiggle more when we move around inside. We just use the cheap yellow wheel chocks for the wheels. They seem fine when we are on level ground. Do I need to invest in a better wheel chock...
LP detector recommendations??
The other night our LP detector suddenly went crazy and woke us at around 4 AM for no reason that I could determine. After 3 rounds of muting and going back to bed just long enough to get back to sleep, I disconnected it. Following morning I read the manual (I only read manuals if I have to) which infor...
Sometimes David
Reading the problem that one member had on the pur of a TT or Motor Home when they forgot what was said abt turning on the water pump. On another forum someone suggested the video taping of the walk through instructions. Good Idea. CCC
putting air in tires
This may seem like a silly question but where do you go to get air in your tires? We have asked the tire stores and they say they aren't set up to handle big rigs. We don't want to invest in an air compressor so how do we add air? Is a truck stop the best option? We have just started full-timing and need to sta...
The Crumps
Voltage regulator/surge protectors
Hi Everyone, This is a great place to get ideas and advice. I saw a thread from last year about my subject but had more questions. I'm looking at purchasing a surge guard (at CW) for my 5th wheel. I was going to get a portable 50amp but now think I ought to have it hard wired inside. What are the advantag...
Voltage regulator or protection??
How important do you think it is to have both a surge protector and a voltage regulator (transformer) as opposed to just voltage protection (High & low cut offs)? I’m trying to decide if I want to buy Progressive’s EMS-HW30C with surge & voltage protection or get Surge Guard’s separate sur...
Soft floor
We have had a couple of bad leaks - live in WA and rain hasn't been this bad in years. At least we were able to fix them all before going full time. But, we now have some soft spots in our floors. I know we'll eventually have to replace the floor, but I was wondering if the floor might cave in where these soft...
The Crumps
Propane Problem
All: I am new to this. I have a popup camper. My problem is with my propane system. When I use the gas stove in my camper, sometimes it works, but sometimes, it does not. I know my propane tank is not empty. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated. Twister
GFI Tripping
Hi Got an o5 Winnie with a norcold Elect/Propane refig. works great but when I plug it into my outdoor 115VA GFI protected outlet with the frig on it trips the GFI, turn the frig off and everythings hunkey-dorey. The elect part of the frig is nothing more than a heater element that heats the amonia solu...
Had read somewhere that one needs to turn off LP gas for frig when re-fueling while travelling. Newbie here. Help!
Switch for Water Pump Help
Mike and I purchased a 2000 Fleetwood Prowler 5th wheel and started living in it 2 weeks ago. The tech at the dealership did our walk through with us and showed us how to do different things. However..... I'm embarrassed to say neither one of us can remember how to turn the water pump on. I've tried pok...
Mike and Gloria
I'm renovating an older RV and would like to replace damaged roll-up cabinet fronts. Is there a ready source for these items?
Gasoline Storage
I have decided that I will buy 2 Honda 2000 generators with the parallel kit and a Extended Run Fuel Tank. My only concern is driving my RV with gasoline in the Extended Run Fuel Tank and wanted to know how safe it is or is it legal?
Electrical Transfer Switch is Buzzing
While we had company down from Kansas, Jo and I stayed in the Mobile Suites while her sister and brother-in-law slept in the house. (Yeah, we are down to minimal furniture in the house.) One evening, we had a few dim-outs of the electric in the house where the lights dimmed out and then came back on. Afte...
Terry and Jo
Flooring in Motorhome
Hello Everyone We have a problem with our motorhome. It is a 2008 Damon Outlaw Toy Carrier and it sprung a leak around the hot water tank. I will repair that but the floor has lifted in several areas. Now I am mechanical but not to good on finishing touches. Should I take this to a dealer or can any good floor...
DH is gone for the day and I'm in Florida in the RV and there was a dip in Electrical.....everything back on....but A/C. Lights on the unit are showing on....remote makes a beeping sound when I press the thermostat....nothing. I've let it "rest" for 1/2 hour to reset....nothing....oh,...