Update on my dad (Lonney Wade)
Hello, this is Michael Wade (Lonney Wade's son) Friends of my dad may have been wondering why he hasn't been online lately. First let me start off by saying he's ok now and doing very well... About two weeks ago (Dec. 17) he called me for help. That morning in the RV he had fallen down and lost the ability to...
Lonney Wade
Hi! I'm Steve in Southern California
Hi! I'm Steve in Southern California and I am an RV boon-docking, solar charging enthusiast. I have a 2012 19' Escape Trailer and hope to meet others who enjoy getting away from it all outdoors like my wife and I do. Here is a picture of our trailer while camping at the beach during Christmas. -- Edit...
Hello all
New Forum Member - Mike Yancey
Hello All: Let me start by saying I read every word ever written in RV-Dreams Journal, and that's a lot!. I could write Howard's and Linda's biographies. It is sad to hear about Howard's mother and all are in my thoughts.We are a near-retirement couple considering full-time RV’ing. To test this o...
Mike Yancey
Hello from southwestern Indiana
I'm on some other forums but thought this one looked interesting also. I'm a woman on my 3rd RV. Yes, I'm married but my husband is still working and thinks he will at least one more year, we shall see. He works internationally so when he is home not much interested in traveling. We are both 68 soon to be 6...
First Time At This!!
Hello everyone, We're new to the forums, and new to the RV world, My Fiance and I share an Interest in RV's and I've been trying to convince her that we should buy one and live in it Full time. But before taking that big step we obviously need to do a lot of research on it, and what better place than a forum dedi...
Selling it all for the road
I am a forty something mother of 4. 2 in post-secondary and 2 at home. My husband and I are looking to sell it all and go on the road. We are in the preliminary plans for summer 2015. The plan is to school the boys on the road while working online jobs (I'm a teacher). We plan to travel the US historic and...
New and planning our RVing...
Howdy All! Thanks for the add! My husband and I are planning our retirement. Hoping to find lots of good information on this site. Any good topics for the added costs of motorcycling? That will be in our plan. Thanks! Merry
Howdy Howdy from Beeville, TX
Howdy Howdy RV Dreams Folks, from our 5'ver in Beeville,Texas I (Larry) have been chomping at the bit since the last of Sept to send this message. And now it has happened. We left our 10 acre ranchett in Bethany, MO ( 100 miles N of Kansas City- on I-35 ) which is "FOR SALE" by the way and we ca...
New to RVing
Hi Guys, we are brand new to the RVing life, just purchased a 33ft passport. looking forward to the adventure.
Hello from Rebirth81
Hi community,
My name is Tom and I joined this site too learn more about R.V.'S.
I've always been the type of spirit too always explore and have a yearning too learn more each day. I've almost been all over the lower 48, worked and lived in Canada, and crossed into Mexico once. Everyone has told me tha...
New Member
Hello group, I just joined and want to introduce myself. My name is Kirk Hoffman, and I live near Stockton, IL. I am fixing up my 1973 Grumman 25 foot class a RV. in hopes of hitting the road next year. I bought this rig in 1997 and have had a bunch of good times with it till the fire in 2002. It had blown a power...
Hello from Vancouver, WA
My name is Jack and my wife is Cheryl. We are not full-timers ... yet! But just bought a new DRV and will spend a lot of time in it. So far we love the DRV 38RSB3. We are from Vancouver Washington but spend a lot of time in Seaside Oregon on the coast.
Does the camp host sell firewood?!?!
Hi everybody, Andy & Kim from Southern California checking in. We've spent the last 20 years going out for 1-3 weeks at a time in a 8' Scamper pop top camper. The 10 years before that we camped in the back of my parents Tradesman van. I have been RVing since I was in diapers and have been looking forward...
Fun Boy Tours
New to Full Timing
A Shout Out - Finally, we have arrived. After years of dreaming, waiting and planning - and a whirlwind of events: retiring, selling the house, downsizing, storing, selling, donating - purchasing a new RV and Truck - within a matter of WEEKS! (So much for planning!!! It all got crazy at the last momen...
Hello fro Vegas..
Hi, I'm steve. Found your site a while ago..Just getting to intro'ing.. Sold our house 6years ago in Albany NY.. bought a rv.. did that for a while.. ran out of money, and started a ebay business, here in Vegas. Well, We want to get back out and do the Rv thing again.. We ordered a loaded Drv Lexington MS a fe...
The Junkman
New to full timing
Hi, we are Joe and Virginia from Utah. We started out Sept. 1st as a trial run into full timeing, We have a 31 ft Dutchman. When I bought the trailer we were only going out on weekends to art/ craft shows. We have met many people at the shows who are full timers and thought what fun! So, we decided to give it...
Sexy painter
Great to be here
Sandy and I currently live in Brooksville Florida, but are originally from the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. We've talked about full timing since before we retired in 2009 and have finally decided to do it so we can spend more time with family around the country. Especially our daughter and new gr...
introducing us
I hope I am in the right place to introduce us. We have been full time sence 2008. I retired in Oct. 2010 and we have been on the road sence then. I am a consultent with RV driving school and a preacher. I am a retired commercial driver. I retired at age 59. I am a han radio operator. KL0PG general class Diane...
Glyn and Diane
Hola from Puerto Vallarta, MX
Newbies. We live in Puerto Vallarta in the winter and plan to travel "North of the Border" from May 1 to October 1. Our rig is stashed in Tucson, AZ right now. Looking forward to meeting many of you. Fox & Cheryl
Sr Fox
Greetings from upstate New York
Robin and I are new here, we plan on retiring in spring of 2019 and then traveling. At first the plan was to travel for the summer...then it went to a year ... and after falling on to this site, we are really looking into FT. We have allways loved camping and have planned to travel when able to. This year we tr...
Greetings from Botkins, Ohio
It seems that I did something wrong when posting my original introductory comments because I have not seen them here. I will be more brief this time so as not to waste so much time. My wife and I recently retired, but have no plans to full-time. However, we do plan to take a month-long trip south to esca...
Greetings from Cape Cod, MA
Hi from Beautiful Cape Cod! My name is Diane and my husband is Michael. While Michael is already retired, I won't be there until March. Then we are off to WI to pick up our new Camp-Inn teardrop trailer! We are going full-time and we look forward to hearing other full-timers' stories and recommenda...
travel trailers
Hello from Ma./wannabe-gonnabe First time on a forum. We are in the research process and deciding on a travel trailer, It is all that fits in our budget. We plan on F/T travel. Which product line is suitable for F/T? We were looking at the Jayco line of TT. We will be towing it. Any opinions will b...
Excited to be Here!
Hi. My husband and I have been together for 20 years and we want to start full timing even if in Phoenix until we have the details worked out including income, health insurance, an rv and a truck. We are currently in our S&B having lots of garage sales and planning. We have been together 20 yrs. I am pri...
Here we go
Hello all Been studying this forum since March and I was lucky enough to be able to attend the ed. seminar in Goshen last month.What an experience! So glad I could attend.The DW and I leave Bham Al. for Willow Street Pa. tomorrow to pick up our new mobile suites 36rssb3 that we purchased at the Hershey sh...
Hello again.
Hello, my name is Allen. I introduced myself back in December 2012when I first discovered the fulltime RV option as a lifestyle. I have followed Howard & Linda's blog off and on since then. Back in 2012 I thought I would have to work until I was 70. Since then I purchased a used gas class A, retired, st...
Hello from Maj and Sher
Hi there forum members! We started on the road full time this past summer. The empty nest kept getting bigger and emptier (is that a word?) and the time was right. Our five kids and the 5 soon to be 6 grandkids have managed to spread themselves out from Virginia Beach to Seattle and in between. In order to v...
maj and sher
Hello. We are George & Nancy and we have been full timing since April 23, 2014. We started our journey from our former home state of Connecticut and headed to Oregon where we spent part of the summer. Later in the summer we travelled through Nevada and Utah. We are now in the Las Vegas area and wil...
George Fin
Hello* From Lonney's wife.
Hello, My name is Angel. I look forward to learning what kind of world my husband (Lonney ) has discovered hear at R.V. Dreams. the place that takes him away from it all. He has been preparing to FT for six years now, myself only the last year have I been fully on board. Gandma Angel has been a full time bus...